Blog Description

In our blog we will review Young Adult books. Our reviews reflect our own opinions; we usually rate each book on a 1-5 level shown below:

1: Meaning we weren't very fond of the book.

1.5: Wasn't our favorite, but was an okay read.

2: This book has potential but didn't impress.

2.5: It was a promising read.

3: Overall a good book.

3.5: Better than average.

4: Great and fun book.

4.5: A very enjoyable book.

5: Top favorite and a must read!

Our reviews will include a summary and cover photo taken from Each review will typically be 400-600 words long.

We also have a few features such as Counting The Days..., where we will post an unreleased book that we're looking forward to reading. A random section with book related posts, and a few others to be added.

Rose & Dawn