Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cover Love #1

There are so many different books in the YA world and way too many pretty covers to go unnoticed! And me, with my cover obsession I can't go without going on, and on, and on about how completely gorgeous and breathtaking they are!! So we decided to do some random post of just gotta have covers. I am that person who would buy a book that doesn't interest me, just so I can own something so pretty. So here are three drop dead gorgeous gotta have covers for the week by your bestie book lovin' Dawn! <3

First up! Talent Chronicles(book two) Heroes 'Til Curfew

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this cover!! Every time I see it I'm always "OHHHH MYYYY BISCHOFF!!" Like it's so gorgeous and I have no idea how whoever the genius is that thought of pairing a kid jumping of a cliff with that background and then making it that fade out color. I didn't even know what the heck the series was when I first saw this cover, and I read what was out as fast as possible. The stories are great too, and I'm still waiting for the third to be released.  Eeeep, I just love this cover. 

Second in my list is The Cahill Witch Chronicles(book one) Born Wicked
This cover is so simple yet beautiful. The cover model has the prettiest blue eyes, I love the cream colored dress, it's simple and elegant and it's so amazing. Defiantly one of my top favorites. 

Last but not least. Faerie Walker Trilogy(book two) Shadowspell

There are about, I don't know a million and a half reasons why I love this cover. Everyone says a picture says a thousand words. So when I look at a cover I want it to tell me a thousand words. About what's going to happen in the book of course. This cover matches the story SO well. It's also just as pretty as the other two in the trilogy. 
What are some of  your favorite covers? 

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