Monday, December 17, 2012

The Breakaway Review

Author: Michelle Davidson Argyle
Title: The Breakaway

GoodReads Summary:

When Naomi Jensen is kidnapped, it takes her parents two days to realize she's missing. Escape isn't high on her list of priorities when all she has to return to is an abusive boyfriend and parents who never paid much attention to her. For the first time in her life she's part of a family-even if it is a family of criminals. But she's still a captive. In a desperate attempt to regain some control in her life, Naomi embarks on a dangerous plan to make one of her kidnappers think she's falling in love with him. The plan works too well, and when faced with the chance to escape, Naomi isn't sure she wants to take it. 

My thoughts: 
This book was nothing like I expected. First off, I thought there would be a lot of humor in it. I’m not sure why, but I figured it would have a few verbal battles. The kind with some funny comments, I imagined that Naomi would have a few smart alec moments. Yeah none of that. In fact, the reason I didn't enjoy this book that much was become of Naomi’s attitude towards everything. Her parents gave her this really great life, filled with everything she wanted except for them. Her mother’s a lawyer, and her father is a CEO, so they spend most their time at work. Which was how Naomi was raised and came accustom to, she didn't exactly know what she was missing. Then there’s her boyfriend Brad, who’s a bit pushy and hardheaded. 

I mean, the way goodreads sums it up; you picture some crazy heists with loads of loot and her joining in on the action. Making someone fall head over heels for her, so she can use them as a way out.  That she manipulates her situation, turns the tables on everyone, and saves herself in the end. Yeah as much as that would be awesome that doesn't happen in this book. Maybe I was thinking too much among the lines of Ocean’s Eleven, but I thought I signed up to read about some sort of heist. Anything cool and criminally, yeah not so much.

What actually happens is the only reason she’s kidnapped is because they accidentally hit her one morning in a foggy parking lot and panicked. (Not the best criminals, obviously) So she gets stuck with their mish-match family. Locked away in her room. That’s basically the whole entire story. It annoyed me on so many different levels that the whole time she pretty much sat down, did what they told her, and thought about how her old life sucked. No evil plotting to get away, the whole time it was a big pity party for Naomi!! Staying calm in bad situations is really great, but just nodding at everything and just accepting her new life? What on earth? That’s not how books are supposed to go. I was waiting for her to whip out some cheerleading moves and backflip her way out of there. Or at least become at master thief and join them in their ranks of robbing the world.

This book was pretty dry. I don’t know how long it actually is, but it felt like a short read. There weren't many things happening, and I honestly don’t even know what the climax was. Or supposed to be for that matter. I’m giving it a 3.5, because weirdly enough it kept me enough interested to not fall asleep and finish it quickly. But like I said; if you’re expecting some action packed read with super cool spyish technology, and super cool get away sports cars, don’t pick this book up.

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