Monday, January 28, 2013

Cover Love #9

What to love what to love. Only my ninth cover love and I'm already only coming up with covers I hate. I try to post up covers that I really really do love. That are gorgeous and breathtaking, and happen to be different from a book we've reviewed, or mentioned before. So it really is harder than it looks, being that we've posted about 43 book covers previously and try not to repeat any, in any post. Okay, I know I've repeated a few, but I'm only human right?

Well tonight I'm taking a new approach, I do love this cover, it isn't like my normal bunch however. I love this cover not for the beautiful model, or the typography. I don't love the brilliant colors, or double meaning of the whole thing. I love this cover because it made me laugh. Not a little "ha" smile, not a forced laugh reserved for annoying company, not a "lol" that you just text/email/im/whatever because you ran out of things to say. No, I love this cover because it made me seriously full out laugh, and now I can't wait to read the book as well.

And isn't that what covers are meant to do? To draw attention to the book, because let's face it, we all judge a book by it's cover. Dear Life, You Suck's cover did an amazing job at catching and keeping my interest.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you like the cover. I like it too. I hope you enjoy the book as much. I think you will if you like laughing.

    All my best,

    Scott Blagden
