Title: Eve & Adam
GoodReads Summary:
And girl created boy…
In the beginning, there was an apple—
And then there was a car crash, a horrible injury, and a hospital. But before Evening Spiker’s head clears a strange boy named Solo is rushing her to her mother’s research facility. There, under the best care available, Eve is left alone to heal.
Just when Eve thinks she will die—not from her injuries, but from boredom—her mother gives her a special project: Create the perfect boy.
Using an amazingly detailed simulation, Eve starts building a boy from the ground up. Eve is creating Adam. And he will be just perfect... won’t he?
My thoughts:
I’m not so sure how to
feel about this book. It was a really nice book, and I think I like it a lot.
But I feel like it was too short. Not as in, I didn’t want it too end so
quickly. More like, I feel that it should’ve been stretched out a little more
and have a bit of a slower pace. Things kinda spiraled out of control in like,
what 15th chapter? And then from then to the last(which is 43 btw)
it was that rush, super steep fall from hitting the climax. Only it didn’t fall
as gently, and stumbled a bit. I also think it would’ve given us a better
chance to know the characters.
So what happens is,
Evening(Eve or E.V.) gets hit by a car in the first chapter. Her mom owns a BioChem
lab, so Eve is moved other to her Mom’s place to recover. Chapter two I believe
is when we get introduced to Solo. (I’m still iffy on the name.) Solo lives at
lab after his parents died six years ago and Terra Spiker(Eve’s mom) was left
his guardian. Now the thing is Solo’s been planning a little something for the
last few months(years who knows?) and Eve is a big road block.
While Solo is dealing
with that, Eve is trying to recover after her leg being ripped off and sewn
back together. Her mom gives her a little project that her company has been
working on. She’s supposed to create a Sim. But it gets into some of the
biological stuff; the software was made to teach students about what the human
body is made up of. Anyways, Eve gets to work on Adam(I mean if you’re going to
create a little human character and can pick out everything that makes them,
them. Why not make a super hot guy your own age?)
Things get messy pretty
quickly, and I think it happens all a bit too fast. The characters aren’t
really there, but they’re super likeable. Aislin, Eve’s best friend, is
hilarious. She’s got the crazy boyfriend who keeps dragging her down. Eve gets
lost in it all, undecided about how she should be feeling. And Solo’s got a
major crush on Eve that totally ruins everything he’s been working for. The way
it ends leaves off with some unanswered questions, but I’m not exactly sure if
there’s a sequel.
Overall I give this
story a 4. It’s really good, just a little too quick.
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